Mentoring & debriefing
Exposure to birth trauma is an occupational hazard that can result in stress and vicarious traumatisation in attending staff (Leinweber, Creedy, Rowe, & Gamble, 2017).
As a practising midwife, with a postgraduate qualification in bereavement counselling & intervention, Eliza mentors health care professionals who are preparing, or who are working with bereaved families experiencing the tragic loss of their baby.
Eliza provides a forum in which Midwifery, Nursing, and Obstetric staff can debrief difficult or confronting experiences which may include witnessing birth trauma, supporting parents during or following perinatal loss or supporting them through an unexpected diagnosis.
This service can be utilised on an individual basis as a one off session (or multiple sessions), or for groups, as requested by the maternity setting.
As a practising midwife, with a postgraduate qualification in bereavement counselling & intervention, Eliza mentors health care professionals who are preparing, or who are working with bereaved families experiencing the tragic loss of their baby.
Eliza provides a forum in which Midwifery, Nursing, and Obstetric staff can debrief difficult or confronting experiences which may include witnessing birth trauma, supporting parents during or following perinatal loss or supporting them through an unexpected diagnosis.
This service can be utilised on an individual basis as a one off session (or multiple sessions), or for groups, as requested by the maternity setting.
1. Builds the confidence of staff in knowing how to handle the highly emotional, tragic circumstances when there has been the death of a baby(ies).
2. Helps staff to manage their own emotional states that may have been triggered by the death of a baby(ies).
3. Helps staff to feel supported by their employer, thereby minimising the potential for occupational stress.
Contact Eliza Strauss.